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Your Journal with God.

Search the Scriptures Daily through God’s eyes.

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Topical-based Journals

Start in Genesis and travel chronologically through the entire Bible to search your inner self through God eyes about Fear, Doubt and Worry along with 76 other topics. New decks added monthly as you journal towards wholeness, peace and harmony with yourself, with others and with our Creator.

Beautiful Daily

Scripture Readings

Each deck is a conversation with you and God. Every day there is a Bible verse and three questions throughout the day to meditate on and respond via text or voice.


We’ll send you sms prompts throughout the day. You don’t even need to open up the app, simply respond via sms and we’ll add your prompt to your journal entry.

A space for
your thoughts

Journal about anything and everything, freeform or with our many guided journals and prompts.

Revisit moments from your past

With the built in Review day, find space once a week to review all your journal entries and see how God is speaking to you and transforming your mind.

Let God tell your story

Add photos, drawings and images to bring the word of God to life through your entries.

At your desk or
on the go

Journal from anywhere and everywhere.


Memorize verses to get you through your day

Memorizing bible verses are so much easier when it's topical based and your are in the moment. Use the Memorization feature in the app to engrave God's word on your heart.

You own the data

Entries are private, encrypted, and data is never shared.

This is the restoration and revival you have been waiting for.

I had been going through the worst valley of the shadow of death of my life. The pain, anguish, despair and humiliation were so overwhelming that I became consumed by fear, doubt and worry. I don’t remember if the sun shone or the birds sang during that period of my life but I do remember the pervasive darkness that spread over my life. I stopped going to church, I stopped praying and even told God I needed a break from Him. Shortly after I stumbled across Restore + Revive and the daily Bible verses with mediation prompts. Slowly and faithfully God began to restore my soul and revive my spirit so I could ask for forgiveness for my disobedience for leaving Him and understand why I had gone through my ordeal. God has since turned my pain into glory and I can now say “it was good that I was afflicted.” The R+R cards are an absolute God send and now that they have the App, I use it in between patient consultations and while I am on my commute to and from work. I praise God for the Restore + Revive project because I know that I will never be consumed by fear, doubt or worry again. Thank you God for R+R.

"My life has been forever changed by the depth of Biblical knowledge from Restore and Revive, as I have grown and seen others grow in their understanding of the Lord in each topic."
Amy Ellis
Physical Therapist

I absolutely love Lifestyle of Prayer and the Restore + Revive Bible journal lessons. This Bible journal study is God inspired and  scripturally based. As I studied, each card communicated and revealed to me truths that I had not seen before. My life has been forever changed. The materials have been thoroughly researched and provide a wealth of knowledge. Each deck is an opportunity for me to facilitate the truth to others over the last 7 months using the online live weekly group review sessions . The depth of Biblical knowledge from Restore +Revive has greatly blessed me as I have grown and see others grow in their understanding of the Lord in each topic.

"At the conclusion of this series, I felt closer to God and certainly became more familiar with the bible verses and having a better understanding of who I am."

"I was not sure what to expect when I first encountered the Fear Not Series of Bible Cards which is only a part of Lifestyle of Prayer. When I began the series, as a Catholic, I was somewhat skeptical of the process and quite honestly, not very familiar with many of the Bible verses that are included in this series. Each day brought a new verse and new questions on which to meditate and answer...which was sometimes reaching deep within myself to think, argue and finally answer!  At the end of each week, I reviewed the questions and answers from that previous week. In some instances my answers were different than the first time I visited the verse. At the conclusion of this series, I felt closer to God and certainly became more familiar with the bible verses and having a better understanding of who I am."

"It changed my old thoughts and behavior on how I use to handle worry, fear, and doubt, teaching me that I can call on the Lord, who is always with me and will never leave me."
Penny G.
Customer Service Rep

I have been attending the weekly online group Restore + Revive class for 7 months. The lessons have been great and taught me a lot. It showed me how to overcome worry, fear and doubt. It changed my old thoughts and behavior on how I use to handle those things. It taught who I can call on for help… Yes.. The Lord who is always with me and will never leave me. I also know that I have control and can speak to those things and get them in control. As for the things I can’t, it’s ok because through trials and tribulations God is modeling and making me stronger in learning how to handle those situations better.

"Finding Restore + Revive and their Worry Not series helped lighten my burden, leading me to realize that perhaps these trials were guiding me closer to God."
John Roberts

"After losing my father in 2019 and facing subsequent challenges, including professional strife and personal loss, a coworker's insight—that my father chose the perfect child for us—shifted my perspective. Despite hardships, including miscarriages and career changes, finding Restore + Revive and their Worry Not series helped lighten my burden, leading me to realize that perhaps these trials were guiding me closer to God. Now, with renewed faith, I continue to hope for another child, trusting in the path God has for us."

"Absolutely love the restore and revive journal!
Bob G.

Friends, this is NOT your everyday daily reflection. As a full time pastor who has embraced the discipline of daily Bible for over 20 years and has taught and led daily Bible reading groups for the past five years, I absolutely love the Restore and Revive Journal.  I find what’s often missing from daily Bible studies is an opportunity to reflect and put down on paper (or on my phone!) how I am currently feeling.  Adding this extra step to my daily reflections and Bible reading has opened up a new level of God’s Word. And having the opportunity to read my thoughts from the previous days and consider how God is working in my life has been wonderful! Additionally, the collection of Bible verses curated by theme is extremely helpful.  I have been enjoying the “Fear Not” series and think I’m going to start at the beginning when I am done. I highly recommend the Restore and Revive Journal to anyone who is seeking to get closer to God and wants a proven method to make it happen!"

"I absolutely love it! Not only is it extremely easy to use, it also provides a platform for two important things that I strive to do daily: read scripture and journal. It combines both in one meaningful yet convenient app."
Roxanne C.

The Restore + Revive Journal App has filled a need I've had for a while, and I absolutely love it! Not only is it extremely easy to use (I became proficient in about 15 minutes), it also provides a platform for reading scripture and journaling. It combines both in one convenient app. It's versatile; I can use it during my morning devotional time or open it during a presentation at work for an instant confidence boost based on God's word. Recently, I've used it as a blessing journal, capturing at least one blessing related to the day's topic. However, this app requires commitment. You can set up alerts to remind you to complete your reading and journaling so you don't fall off track. An amazing feature is responding to a text alert, and it automatically transfers to your journal. The app also has a psychological benefit, allowing me to explore barriers like fear, doubt, and worry. I went through a discovery and healing period. I'm not sure you will find that with any other app of its kind.

Start Journaling with R+R today.

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